

Tziara’s latest series of paintings entitled Μutations, created in a post – pandemic period, is a vivid incubator of multiple, mysterious, constantly changing floating worlds. These worlds contain fragments of his unconscious memory: kinky objects, leftovers of a pool party, plant life and biomorphic forms with tattoos, all in capsules, floating in micro and mega – cosmos. He creates fertile environments where new living organisms are being born and mutated, introducing a new – age, more adaptable, cosmos. 


The element of water is centric and always present in his paintings. Water is the booster, the force of movement in his capsules – worlds. The watery sense creates flow and transparency between the forms. Since water is the first element that living beings are born in, it creates and sustains life from the very beginning of living organisms on earth. Water is the prime element that we experience, even though we do not have a memory, we instantly feel canny. Simultaneously, water is cathartic and holy in many cultures. The liquid element, as the artist says, has always created a safe space for him, a priori. Therefore he places his fragile living beings in watery – safe environments, within colorful floating capsules. This tranquil atmosphere may create a feeling of waiting, when at the same time nothing is static, but in constant, universal flow. 


Colour is the second centric element in these series. In combination with water and the luminous light, a radiant pallet of red, blue and green highlights and delimits the sheer capsules and their living content. Tziara is working almost directly with color, mastering the creation of volume and perspective in his continuous compositions. Transparency is the key to his technique, working with layers, he is unfolding  his utopian cosmos in front of his eyes, layer by layer. 


These cosmic scenes may seem chaotic, endless and sometimes dark and uncanny, but they intertwine and coexist harmoniously with each other while they are transforming and swinging to the sound of underwater…in eternity.